WorkingGoats Photos
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renaotis 2005-09-10.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

renaposing 2005-08-26.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

Sally & Al's New Sawbuck
2009-07-24 12:39:00

sallypearlpose 2005-09-03.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

saturdaygoatplay 2005-09-03.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

sawbuckfromabove 2005-09-16.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

2011-06-10 13:59:46

Shivers = Chilly + Joseph
2011-03-07 13:48:32

Shivers = Chilly + Joseph 2
2011-03-07 13:49:34

Shivers = Chilly + Joseph 3
2011-03-07 13:50:23

Shivers 2012-03-30
2012-04-02 18:00:37

Shivers and her brother
2011-06-10 14:03:06

Shivers and her Grandma Rena
2011-06-10 14:05:01

Shivers and MayFlower
2011-06-17 11:59:32

Shivers Crated
2011-04-03 18:21:48

Shivers Herd 2
2011-06-10 15:51:38

2011-06-10 14:02:04

some of Our Herd
2011-06-10 15:50:19

sprucestand 2006-04-03.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

traillunch 2005-08-20.jpg
2007-09-13 11:22:26

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