Goat Items For Sale
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 My goat Harnesses are made out of 1" poly webbing with Polar Fleece padding. I use the same type of webbing for sled dog harnesses. I designed this harness myself to use for my own goats to pull a wagon. I like this Goat Wagon design because it is very light weight, simple and easy to put on the goat. This harness has four snap buckles and webbing left long to make it adjustable for many different breeds of goats but I make them in three different sizes.
The harness has one buckle at the side for the strap that goes around the waist of the goat, one on top for the stabilizer and then one on each side. It literally takes about 30 seconds to put the harness on my goats.
Colors I usually have in stock are red, blue, black, pink, orange, red/white/blue striped, purple, green, and red/black/yellow/orange striped webbing
right around $53.oo each
 I make3 and sell these cute bluejeans goat and llama packs. They come in various sizes and I use different fabircs for the yoke. For goats and or llamas the bluejean packs have a chest and waist strap. Pockets are functional. For goats I have straw hats that I add the same yoke fabric as a hat band.
$32 each for goats
$37 each for llamas
 These fabric Goat and Llama packs are made with a variety of fabrics. The Dairy/Goat packs are apprx 17" x 11 with a top flap. The llama packs are approx. 19 x 22" Each have a webbing or fabric gusset. Each pack has two straps that close with a black plastic slide clossure snap.
$38 each
 LOOK WHAT IS COMING SOON!!! Sawbuck Goat and Llama packs sold with or without panniers.