We "Got Goats" Again
Ghost & Goblin
After not having Goats for a 6.5 years.... we have them again and we are adding to our/this now, over, 20 year old Website....
We lost our 32 y/o horse this past Winter, and were down to just one horse, 25 years old, and I did not want to get horses again. Getting too old for it. I raised my horse from a Weanling, did all of his training ourselves, so finding him a new home, OH NO!~
So? Oct. 5th We went to an Flea Market - Animal Swap with the purpose of, hoping to find a or a few, goats. I bought two young, "Partly Sanaan" Does Kids. One White, the other mostly white, each with Blue Eyes, now named: Ghost and Goblin. That is them in this photo.
They were not wild, nor were they ever too friendly... until we got them home and I started working with them. Within 2 weeks time, they were coming when called and each know their names.
I had wanted a Bottle Fed, but Adult Doe. I love Broken Coats, and Nubian/Boer Ears. So when we went to a Pow Wow that was also an Animal Swap, 10/12/2024, and they had this girl! I fell in love with her!
Her previous owner named her something I would not call her. Since she came from an Animal Swap and I am 1/4 Cherokee, when I laid eyes on her, I thought, Hiawatha.
She is such a Gem. Deron walked her 1 mile home from the Fairgrounds and she just walked right along. And she has been such a good girl since.
I had thought I wanted Saanans when I got back into Goats. But. Finding them in today's world and the area I live in. Seems the 'Small Goats' are all 'the rage' now. And Dairy Sized Goats have been bred down in size.
Here I am in this photo, Picking Out Oakley. You can not see it in this photo, but there were goats all around us, friendly goats, but mostly small goats and not for sale goats.
This goat's breeder I met at the same Animal Swap that I bought Hiawatha from. We went to her Farm about a week later, 10/23/2024, and paid for Oakley but left her there to be bred. Praying it takes.
We picked up Oakley, 12/28/2024.
Our first Small Animal Auction in YEEEEARS, and it is less than 5 miles from our Door Step! Nov 16, 2025, WE WENT, and although I forgot to take leash and collars, got too excited about going I guess, Deron did load up crate in the back of our tiny Aveo.
When this young, friendly, cute, black doeling came in the back door, also called, the Auction Staging Area, I happen to be there and I had my eye on her right away. I waited for her to come into the ring, but with prices, I was afraid, I would not get her. Luckily, I did.
I THOUGHT she was Friendly and possibly Bottle Fed, as a kid, and I was right. We are so happy, since it was an Auction and you never know, she is not only friendly, you can touch this goat anywhere on her body, pick up her feet, and give her a treat. She is clean with a beautiful black coat, and bright eyes.
If you own Black Goats....do not leave them too far out in your fields in Sept and October. People are CRAZY and Black Animals of all sorts, especially Goats and Cats, will disappear and become the thief's "sacrifice".
One might ask? How is it THEIR "Sacrifice", and I would roll my eyes and say, "Exactly".
Just do not leave them out to temp the Lawless Thieves and Mentally Ill. You can also see our "Hunting Season - Keeping Your Goats Safe!" page for more information on this subject.
No Photo Yet. 12/3/2024 I bought, or promised to buy, Annie, Oakley's full, kiddingmate, sister. We will pick them up in 3 weeks after both are bred.
I am VERY Excited, I had been thinking about Annie, as in thinking of buying her, since we left after looking at the Herd and buying Oakley.
We picked up Annie and Oakley 12/28/2024, both pregnant. Annie should be due in April.
Both Annie and Oakley had their hooves trimmed right before we got there, she was just finishing up Annie when we arrived.
I had written a lot up and then we had a snow storm and it took out all our new added items to our website. <rolls eyes> And we lost it all.
You know you found not only a Good Breeder, but a new found Friend, when you pick up Goats that were Bred, Held to make sure they were bred, and have had their Hooves Trimmed right before you pick them up, THEN, offered a Dozen Farm Fresh Eggs. These eggs are not only beautiful, but were so good to eat. I had forgotten how much better Farm Fresh Eggs are to eat, rather than Store Eggs.
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-- The Working Goats Team Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:14:05 -0500